Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"The Team That Couldn't Lose" By Matt Christopher

 An inexperienced  coach named Phil Wayne takes over the football team called the Cayugans.  Chip Chase, one of the characters figures because the coach is new, they're in for a losing season.  But Coach Phil surprises everyone by teaching the team a fantastic new play every week, and this helps win their games.  The team finds out that someone has been mailing one
play each week to him anonymously.  Will Chip  and his teammates find out who the mystery coach is before the  end of the season?  If you want to know the answer to this you will have to read the book.
    Guys will like reading this book, weather you like football or not; it
really keeps you guessing throughout the entire book as to who is mailing in
the successful plays to the coach each week.

Alex S. 
Mrs. Poulton
7th grade