Friday, February 13, 2009

A Corner of the Universe by Ann M. Martin

This exciting realistic fiction book is a thriller about a young, eleven -year old girl named Hattie, troubled by her mentally disabled uncle. Later she decides that age doesn’t matter and when life hands her lemons she makes lemonades. Instead of treating Adam like the uncle he could never be, Hattie makes him her best friend. Even when the going gets tough, the two of them go through it together.
If you’re the type of person who enjoys cute, emotional books, then this is a great choice. I chose it because of the last sentence of the back of the book summary. “Hattie will find out how small a small town can be, how big the world outside is, and how far our hearts and minds can go.” After I read that, I felt that I had to know about the rest of the book, and I wasn’t going to stop until I did. This is going to be a book that you just can’t put down until its finished.

Lindsey Manera- 7th grader