Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Head Games by Keri Mikulski

I recently finished the book Head Games by Keri Mikulski. The genre of this book is realistic fiction. The main characters in this book are Hannah and Taylor. Taylor is tall, pretty and amazing at basketball. But she doesn’t believe any of it. Taylor’s best friend Hannah loves fashion and hates sports. Hannah is doing a fashion show and asked Taylor to be her model. Taylor thinks that she is too tall and not pretty enough to be in the fashion show. Taylor struggles with finding herself and tolerating herself. That’s not all, Taylor also has to decide between Zach, the super popular, super tall, basketball star and Matt, the sweet boy from her math class. Right now she just has too much going on that its hard to handle.

   I would recommend this book to girls because the characters in this book are girls. if you like realitic fiction books with drama this is the right book for you!
Marissa A.
7th grader
Mrs. Poulton