Thursday, January 24, 2008

Al Capone Does My Shirts by Gennifer Choldenko

This book took place in 1935 and it is fictional but has a lot of historical facts and truths in it.  It was about a  12 year old boy named Moose Flanagan who happens to live on Alcatraz Island near San Francisco with his family.  His dad is a prison guard and an electrician there.  He goes to school off the island in a regular school, but can never do anything the other kids do because he always has to go back to the island to take care of his sister Natalie.  She is autistic.  They didnt know what autism was back then so the family had a hard time finding a place to take care of her. 

There is a girl named Piper in the book who is always trying to cause trouble for Moose.  She gets away with it though because she is the daughter of the warden on Alcatraz Island.  Moose tries to stay out of trouble when she is around but its hard.

I liked this book because it was cool to find out that people really did live on the island while real criminals were in jail there like Al Capone.  I would tell my friends to read this because I did like it a lot.

Nick H- 7th grader