Friday, December 10, 2010

Heart to Heart by Lurlene McDaniel

The book I just finished reading is Heart to Heart by Lurlene McDaniel. Kassey and Elowyn are best friends. They share everything together. Then one day Elowyn dies in a horrible car accident, which changes Kassey's life forever. On Elowyn's drivers liscence she said she wanted to an orgon donor. However she forgot to tell Kassey this. But now it's too late. Then Kassey shockingly finds out a girl named Arabeth has her best friend, Elowyn's heart.
 I would definetly reccomend this book to someone who can handle books because this book has some sad parts in it. One thing that's special about this book is that each chapter is told by a different character. This makes it easier to see what each person is thinking.When I started reading this phenominal book I couldn't stop. You should definetly checkout this book too.

Maithri G.
7th grader
Mrs. Poulton