Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Kaleidoscope Eyes by Jen Bryant

Kaleidoscope Eyes by Jen Bryant is about a thirteen year old girl named Lyza who goes on an adventure with 2 of her good friends for lost treasure. While spending the whole Summer sneaking out and taking on the adventure of her great grandfather, you'll never guess what she ends up finding! Can three thirteen-year-olds actually conduct a secret treasure hunt? What will they find? Read the book to find out!!

This book is a extremely good, easy-to- read book. Not only did the cover catch my attention, but I couldn't stop turning the page one after another until I was finished the story. I liked that the book was written in a poem. I would recommend this book to anyone! Jen Bryant also wrote the books ; The Trial ,  Pieces of Georgia , Ringside 1925 ,  Georgia's Bones , Abe's Fish , Rivers Words , and Call me Marianne.

Jenny D. - 8th grade