Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan

The book I have just finished is The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan. This book is about Mary a seventeen year old girl who lives in a village in the middle of what they think is a never ending forrest called the forrest of hands and teeth. This forrest is filled with zombie like creatures called the unconsecrated who carry a disease that turns you into one of them if bitten.When her village is breeched by these creatures Mary, her brother, and a few others are driven out of their home and into a path where only a fence seperates them from the unconsecrated.The rest of the book is about how or if she survives her journey on this path. I reccomend this book to boys or girls because there is some romance, violence, and great story about one girl's will to survive.